If you already have children from another relationship, you need to think extra carefully before getting married. One thing to consider is having a prenuptial agreement. Your children’s financial security may depend on it. Beyond divorce Your prenuptial agreement...
Giving Men An Equal Voice In Divorce
Prenuptial agreements
Should your prenup include a sunset clause?
The world is an uncertain place – and you may be understandably nervous that your marriage may not work out. That’s just a recognition that sometimes two people can love each other very much and still not be compatible long-term. If you’re looking ahead, however, it...
Skipped a prenup? Don’t despair; a postnup can still save the day
Sometimes life throws everyone curveballs. For example, you might be one of the many who entered marriage with the best intentions, only to find yourselves considering an unforeseen separation. If you're in this situation and haven't secured a prenuptial agreement,...
Is your prenup actually valid?
If you’re moving toward a divorce and you have a prenuptial agreement, you may already be counting on the terms of that agreement. You expect it to define how property gets divided, for example, and there may be specific protections within the prenup that you’re...
Important information about prenuptial agreements
Florida is an equitable division state, which means that marital assets must be divided in a manner a court would consider to be fair. This might mean that you would lose majority ownership of a business, funds in a bank account or other important assets. However, a...